8 Fruits That Can Help Lower Cholesterol

Onsiris.net - Disease Cholesterol is very much that occurs especially among elderly people, cholesterol itself can cause stroke in the sufferer.

Reduce eating foods that have high fat content, such as fried foods, and multiply eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. Many fruits that can help lower cholesterol.

Fruits contain fiber. Water-soluble fiber can bind bile acids, so it can lower the absorption of fat and cholesterol in the blood.

In addition to fiber, fruits also contain chemical compounds that can increase good HDL cholesterol levels, which help smooth the blood flow and prevent heart disease.

1. Apple

Apples, especially the skin, contain pectin - a water-soluble fiber that works to lower cholesterol.

Apples also contain vitamins and antioxidants polyphenols that help reduce inflammation.

2. Avocado

Avocados are a monounsaturated fat source that is good for heart health. Avocado is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and, and compounds that inhibit cholesterol absorption in the body.

3. Pir

Pears include high-fiber natural fruits. A medium pear can fit 16% of your daily fiber requirement. In fact, the value of pear fiber is higher than apples. The type of fiber found in pears is pectin.

4. Berries (strawberries, blueberries, cranberries)

The berries are rich in pectin, a water-soluble fiber that can bind the cholesterol absorbed in the small intestine, resulting in bad cholesterol levels being reduced and replaced by good HDL cholesterol.

5. Wine

Similar to other fruits, it is also rich in water-soluble fiber that can bind the cholesterol absorbed in the small intestine.

Research shows that grapes have high antioxidant compounds, let alone red wine. Antioxidants can help increase HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides.

6. Papaya

Papaya is a fruit-lowering HDL cholesterol is also high in antioxidants such as lycopene, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

Cholesterol can stick to blood vessels in the event of oxidation, until finally gathered to form plaque and cover the blood vessels

7. Guava

Guava contains vitamins and antioxidants that work to protect the heart from free radical damage. Levels of potassium and water soluble fiber in guava can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, while raising good HDL cholesterol levels that can prevent various heart diseases.

8. Orange

Citrus is rich in water soluble fiber that can bind the cholesterol absorbed in the small intestine. This orange-lowering fruit cholesterol contains d-limonene, a chemical compound that is useful for dissolving cholesterol and at the same time helps inhibit the development of breast cancer and colon cancer. The benefits of citrus as an anticancer were reported by a study in 2007.

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