5 Ways to Treat Uric Acid with Natural Materials

Onsiris.net - Uric acid is a disease that can disturb you in living your days. This is because the symptoms of pain, swelling, and feeling of heat in the joints due to an accumulation of uric acid substances that make you who suffer from this disease is difficult to move.

Before we get into the ways of treating gout, we must know what causes the uric acid to appear. This is related to how to treat it because it would be useless if you take the medicine but you keep taking it.

Here are 5 restrictions for gout:

Food Acid Uric Acid

1. Offal

For those of you who like this food, avoid it immediately.

2. Seafood

Who knows? it turns out seafood can also cause you get uric acid.

3. Beef

Certainly, if the beef has purine and cholesterol content that can cause uric acid.

4. Sardine

For those of you who like to eat sardines because of practical, immediately avoid.

5. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are beverages that can trigger increased levels of uric acid in the body.

Causes of High Uric Acid

1. Age factor

People over 30 are highly susceptible to gout. It usually occurs earlier in men, whereas for women it usually occurs after the menopausal phase.

2. Drug Side Effects

Next is due to the side effects of the drug, this is what will happen if you are not selective in using drugs. Usually caused by chemical drugs that are often used.

3. Heredity Factor

Uric acid is also one of the diseases that can be lowered, the risk of someone who has a family history of uric acid pain is higher than others.

4. Unhealthy Food

In addition to some of the above, uric acid can also be caused by unhealthy foods. This is often not realized by most people, but the main human health factor lies in what it consumes.

5. Too Much to Consume Alcohol and Soda Drinks

The cause of uric acid is no less dangerous because it consumes too much alcohol and also soft drinks.

How To Treat Uric Acid With Natural Materials

1. Soursop leaves

Soursop leaf turns out to have a content that can treat gout. How to use it quite easily, namely by eating boiled water soursop leaves fresh.

2. Leaves Sambiloto

Sambiloto leaves have excellent calcium, sodium, and potassium to treat gout. Sambiloto leaves can be consumed to relieve gout by drinking boiled water.

3. Dayak Onions

Efficacy of Dayak onion to treat various diseases.

Dayak onions are usually consumed by way of dried first and then drunk like tea in general.

4. Black Honey

Black honey or commonly known as bitter honey is a honey that comes from the forest. This honey has a different taste from honey in general. Bitter honey has alkaloid content derived from the source nectar (alkaline base compounds contained in some plant species).

5. Rosella Flower

Rosella flowers contain essential proteins that are useful for treating gout. You can consume them directly or boil them first.

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